As soon as Eli was cleared of any contact precautions, Paige wanted to go see him. We try to take her on the weekends, when she doesn't have school. Eli gets so excited when she comes for a visit. He lights up and loves to play with her, even from his bed. It is so fun to watch. Here are the two of them, playing peek-a-boo on Sunday.
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
Peek-a-boo Paige!
Posted by Wedehase Family Blog at 3:24 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
Witnessing and Experiencing the Power of Prayer
The nurse had checked his vitals only two hours before and everything appeared normal. He checked his temperature again, and he was running a fever of 102*. Within minutes, Eli's surgeon, a cardiologist, the ICU doctor, his nurse, and the charge nurse were all at his bedside assessing him. Many tests and labs were ordered, medicines prescribed, and poor Eli was just moaning and shivering in bed.
I had been texting Jason as things were happening, and I asked him to post up on Facebook, asking you all for prayers. Your quick response to our request was certainly noticed, even though I had no internet access. I couldn't see your responses here on Facebook, but I witnessed God's answer to your prayers. Before any medical intervention could be given, before Eli had any medicines in his body, his color had come back, and his fever had broke. He was resting rather comfortably in his bed. If I had walked into the room at that moment, I would've thought nothing of it. Both nurses commented how quickly he had turned, even without any medicine. I was able to witness to them telling them we have a network of friends praying for Eli right now. It's because of the power of our prayers that Eli is feeling better.
Thank you doesn't even begin to express how grateful I am to have your support and willingness to drop everything and pray for my son. Many of you sent notes, texts, and even posted our request out to your friends and prayer warriors. My eyes are full with tears of joy because you would do that for him. Thank you for helping me see the power of prayer, and allowing me to share it with a few others caring for my miracle boy.
Please continue to pray. We are still not out of this yet. They have ruled out a bunch of possibilities, but it may take 24-48 hours to get a definitive answer, if we can even get that. He is on a strong dose of antibiotic to stay ahead of anything that may be there.
Our God is the Almighty Healer. I was a witness to His powerful hand today.
Posted by Wedehase Family Blog at 2:43 PM 0 comments
Monday, September 5, 2011
Post Surgery Catch Up
Posted by Wedehase Family Blog at 3:50 PM 0 comments
Monday, August 8, 2011
Next Surgery Moved Up To August 16
Just a quick update on scheduling: A slot opened up in the surgeon's schedule, so we have been moved up to August 16 for Eli's next surgery, the Glenn. While our natural reaction is to panic, we also recognize this frees us from one of our biggest concerns leading up to Eli's surgery. Paige starts school August 17th. We were extremely concerned about what her heading out into public could mean for Eli's health. Now, we need not worry. We only need to keep Eli safe for 8 more days. Because of this, we will "hunker down" into full winter isolation mode. Nobody in, nobody out, unless absolutely necessary.
See you all soon! Please continue to pray as faithfully as you all have been doing throughout this entire process.
Posted by Wedehase Family Blog at 8:58 PM 2 comments
Sunday, July 31, 2011
Finally Our Time
Two years ago, Eli had his first cath lab procedure to check the pressures in his lungs and the function of his heart. This test was the first of three failed caths, proving he wasn't ready for the next phase of surgery, the Glenn Procedure. A couple weeks ago, on July 13, exactly two years since his first failed cath, we took Eli in again for another of this same cath lab procedure. The cardiology team likes to check periodically so they can gather data and better understand what Eli's heart is doing. We prepared ourselves for another failure. We were hopeful, but expecting to hear he wasn't ready...again.
We've become accustomed to this rut, this waiting game, this constant trudging through quicksand that has come to represent Eli's medical path. He should have had this Glenn Procedure two years ago, but the blood pressures in his lungs has always been too high. Last year, his numbers placed him "in range" for the Glenn, but the cardiology team agreed it was simply too high risk. His numbers were simply TOO marginal.
This year, he's still marginal, but better than ever before. The cardiology team doesn't feel his numbers will get any better, and believes now is finally the time to proceed with the Glenn. Eli will finally have his second of three open heart surgeries. We've waited two years to be able to say this. Now that it's here, it's scarier than we might have imagined.
Eli is scheduled for his Glenn on September 13, but we are also on the "short list" for any opening in the coming two weeks. Our surgeon leaves the country in the second half of August, and our cardiologist leaves the country in the beginning of September. If we don't fall into an opened schedule by somewhere around August 10, we know we will be on hold all the way out to September 13. Either way, within the next six weeks, Eli will head in for his second major surgery.
Eli is on the verge of walking by himself. He walks with a single finger's support for balance now. He cruises furniture as fast as any kid. His language is finally exploding. He's picking up new words all the time, and his speech improves with each day. He's an absolute ball of happiness, always smiling, laughing and spreading joy everywhere he goes. He's grown from the feeble baby into quite the amazing little boy.
On February 20, 2009, we handed over a 2 day old sedated baby who we'd never seen with open eyes or without a breathing tube. While this was no easy task, it doesn't begin to compare to the thought of giving the surgeons our 2 1/2 year old son who speaks, lives and loves with us.
The day we'd begun to think would never come... has finally come. Eli is heading in for his second open heart surgery. As supportive as you all have already been, we're going to start leaning on all of you for that support again. To all our prayer warriors, you've been so faithful for so long. Please join us again as we place in God a trust as we never have before.
Here's our most recent picture of Eli, sitting in Pre-Op before his cath lab.
Posted by Wedehase Family Blog at 11:48 AM 1 comments
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
Eli loves to be outside. He would be outside all day long if we allowed him.
He loves to dig in the dirt.

He loves to slide.

He loves to watch the koi.

He is all boy and we love it!
Posted by Wedehase Family Blog at 10:28 AM 0 comments
Labels: Eli
Saturday, March 26, 2011
Paige's New Bike
Today, Paige got her first bicycle! We went to Toys-R-Us and she rode all the bikes in her size. She decided on a purple bike with flowers and a pink seat. We took the bike home, put it together, and she was immediately off on her first adventure. Before the bike was even complete, she was asking to ride to her friend Kaylynn's house, because she had written her a letter and wanted to deliver it. Here's a short photo journal of our afternoon.
Paige and Daddy building her new bike.

Paige helped with the seat...
Once assembled and tires aired up, outside we went! This is Paige hopping up on the bike for the first time.

And we're off!
Bye bye, little girl.
Posted by Wedehase Family at 8:29 PM 1 comments