You're sure to have noticed the complete lack of updates over the last few weeks. Life has been extremely busy, and keeping everyone updated has taken a back seat to other priorities. So... the most important news of the last few weeks:
Samuel Joseph was born on Friday, September 3, 2010 at 8:42am. He weighed in at 8lbs and 10oz and measured 20" long.
Wednesday afternoon, Tanya had her weekly pregnancy checkup and was told by her doctor "You're not making it through the weekend. And this baby's going to come quickly, so don't hesitate to come at the first sign of regular contractions."
Thursday evening, Tanya knew it was time. We've struggled with a middle name for a boy. Here, at the 11th hour, we still hadn't decided on one. Tanya had the kids packed up in the car, headed to a friend's house where they'd be staying the night. Along the way, she asks Paige "What do you think we should name the baby if it's Samuel?"
"Samuel Joe," says Paige.
Tanya told me, and we laughed at Paige's humorous ways. She always makes us laugh. Then, for some reason, the name seemed to work. Tanya had just finished reading a study about Joseph's story in the Bible. It's a great story of of God's faithfulness and of redemption. Samuel Joseph. And
it stuck. If it was to be a boy, his name would be Samuel Joseph. And that's exactly what happened. Paige officially named her youngest brother.
it stuck. If it was to be a boy, his name would be Samuel Joseph. And that's exactly what happened. Paige officially named her youngest brother.
Everything from there went relatively quickly. We checked in to the hospital around 11:00pm. She got her epidural around 3:30am, water broke a little after 7:00, and Samuel arrived at 8:42am after only a few minutes of pushing. Tanya's epidural wore off around 8:00, and it was too late to give her another dose. Poor Tanya... she gave birth to Samuel with no pain management! I'm completely amazed by how strong she is. After waiting the mandatory 12 hours for a hearing test and blood work for Samuel, we were on our way home the same day!
Here are the first few photos of the little guy. In the hospital, and at home.

Paige: 4 years, Eli: 18 months, Samuel: 34 hours

Congrats to all of you, what a beautiful name, and so very fitting!
Way to go Paige! A four year old is calling the shots at our house too.... We are so happy for your family and it's new addition! The Ayers Family
Congratulations on the birth of Samuel! God is good.
Congratulations!! He is so handsome! Talk about strong genes! You can defiantly tell all your children are siblings.....that is so fun! Great job on his name paige! It is great! Happy early Birthday Tanja! Sending birthday prayers your way! Hopefully it is blessed by lots lf sleep and hugs and kisses from your family! Hope Samuel is a great sleeper and a precious new little brother to paige and eli! Love Amy Jackson
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